Opening hours
- Wednesday October 1 2025: 9.00-17.00
- Thursday October 2 2025: 9.00-16.00
Miljöfrågor berör oss alla, särskilt oss som sysslar med logistik. EU har åtagit sig att minska växthusgaserna i EU med minst 80% fram till år 2050. Transportsektorn som helhet står för ca. 25% av EU:s växthusgasutsläpp och måste kraftigt minska sina utsläpp för att målen skall kunna uppnås. Ahola Transport har redan i många år
Fast and accurate road transports Road transport is an easy and fast way to meet large and wide-ranging haulage needs cost-effectively. We at Ahola Transport are professionals in road transports, and we can ensure the efficient transport of your material flows. Dynamic routing to boost efficiency We have integrated the pick-up, main freight and distribution
Dagens Transport & Logistik is established as one of Sweden’s leading companies digital magazine within the warehouse and logistics industry including the transport industry. The magazine is filled with articles and reportage that shed light the latest from the industry and its development. Dagens Transport & Logistik contains news pages, interviews, articles in specialist areas
Innovativa automationslösningar som passar Er Vi är ett företag med stor kunskap och lång erfarenhet inom emballagehantering. Vi vill väsentligt effektivisera våra kunders hantering av pallar och kragar genom att vara världsledande inom automationsinnovationer. Vi tar fram lönsamma och flexibla automationslösningar skräddarsydda för Dig som kund.
Smurfit Kappa is one of the largest packagings companies in the world. At the fair we will show our special division Solid Board that produces products for optimizing your supply chain in concern of Finance, Ergonomic and Sustainability.
ClimSel System is a solution for temperature-stable transport using ClimSel as the key component. The solution is fully adapted to each cargo’s requirements for temperature range, transport time-frame and the expected ambient temperature. This is done using a “shell” as an outer box to protect against shocks and contaminants. In this “shell”, a box is
TEMPERATURE-STABLE TRANSPORT ClimSel is an excellent medium for protecting sensitive and valuable freight from temperature fluctuations during transport, e.g. temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals, expensive foods and human/animal organs. By means of customized concepts for temperature-stable transport, cost-effective, modern and environmentally-friendly alternatives can be developed for conventional chilled, frozen or heated transport. ClimSel PCM places Cold Chain solutions